"Enlarging our Comfort Zone"
Matthew 13:22-33
May 18, 2009
Pastor Joseph Sanchee Awal
Back in the Philippines, I have heard Rev. Leonardo Caput, in one of our Ministers meeting saying that, "Many Pastors/Preachers, when giving a sermon about the life of Peter walking on water, have only focused on his display of doubt and lack of faith. They failed to see the hardest and challenging part of it. That is, the great faith Peter showed in taking the first step to walk on water." This little part of his sermon caught my attention and brought me into a realization that God indeed wants us to grow in our faith, take the first step and enlarge our comfort zone. This was my challenge to our brethren in one of our prayer meetings in a house church in Satwa, Dubai.
Speaking of "Enlarging our Comfort Zone," I took the example of Peter. That in his world of safety and security in the tiny space of the boat, he was faced with fear when invited by Jesus to walk on water. Instead of being overwhelmed with fear, he took courage and initiated the first step. At last, he made it, he experienced walking on water. He tried to move out of his comfort zone but God did not left him. Peter grew in faith and his comfort zone was extended..
According to Bruce Wilkinson, in the website (www.worshiptogether.com), he emphasized that moving out of our comfort zone is somewhat, "taking more territory in your life" and in this process it predicts a cycle of comfort, discomfort and comfort again-which is actually a higher level of comfort. In my own analysis, I picture it this way; at first, we are safe and secure in the presence of God and along the way we see a mountain to take. Here, the process of discomfort is about to take place, wherein we have that fear of drifting away and being overwhelmed. At times, we even think of retreating and pulling back our step. But with the living Word of God and the comfort of the Holy Spirit, we now take courage and eventually take the mountain. Then what comes next? We victor over that mountain! Praise the Lord! As a result, we feel exhilarated, our faith moved to a greater level and finally, we extended our territory-our comfort zone was enlarged. Isn't our God great? He doesn't want us to be spoiled with the same estate of comfort and security in our Christian life, rather, He wants us to explore and see more of His greatness through the step of our faith and the willingness of our heart to take a risk.
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